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B. Lynn Beattie Clinical Leadership Award: Dr. Samir Sinha

Peter McCracken Physician Innovator in Education Award: Dr. Alishya Burrell

Ronald Cape Distinguished Service Award: Dr. Gary Naglie

Réjean Hébert Canadian Institutes of Health Research -Institute on Aging Prize: Shannon Gui

Edmund V Cowry Award: Britney Wong

Dr. Jack and Dr. Asa Award: Corrie Vincent

Willard and Phoebe Thompson Award: Parnika Godkhindi

1st Place Poster Award: Amanda Yee

2nd Place Poster Award: Peter Hoang

3rd Place Poster Award: Christopher Davis


B. Lynn Beattie Award

 Barb Liu
Peter McCracken Award  Jasneet Parmar
Ronald Cape Distinguished Service Award  Melissa Andrew

Réjean Hébert Canadian Institutes of Health Research -Institute on Aging Prize

 Jenna MacDonald
Edmund V Cowdry Award Christina Reppas-Rindlisbacher
Dr. Jack and Dr. Asa Award Guillaume Lim Fat
Willard and Phoebe Thompson Award Geemitha Ratnayake Mudiyanselage  
1st Place PosterGuilherme Moraes Balbim
2nd Place Poster Khushbu J Pate
3rd Place PosterYu Qing (Jenny) Huang


2022 Pfizer Continence Research Award
Anthony Anugom
2022 Honorable Mention

Janet Kow & Heidi Schmaltz

Dr. Jack and Dr. Asa Award

Alana Miller
Edmund V Cowdry Award Christina Reppas-Rindlisbacher
Willard and Phoebe Thompson Award Aileen Liang

Réjean Hébert Canadian Institutes of Health Research -Institute on Aging Prize

Peter Hoang
1st Place Poster Maha Rehman
2nd Place Poster Nazila Hassanabadi
3rd Place Poster

Lauren Cuthbertson


2021 Ronald Cape Distinguished Service Award Frank Molnar
2021 Peter McCracken Physician Innovator in Education Award Thiru Yogaparan
2021 Pfizer Continence Research Award
Luxey Sirisegaram & Selynne Guo

Dr. Jack and Dr. Asa Award

Christina Reppas-Rindlisbacher
Edmund V Cowdry Award Joel Mahon
Willard and Phoebe Thompson Award Raphaelle Koerber

Réjean Hébert Canadian Institutes of Health Research -Institute on Aging Prize

Guillaume Lim Fat
1st Place Poster Molly Gallibois
2nd Place Poster Shailee Siddhpuria
3rd Place Poster

Sophie Hogeveen-Access

2015 Award Winners:

2015 Jack MacDonell Award  Amanda Gardhouse

2020 Award Winners:

2020 Ronald Cape Distinguished Service Award Maria (Marisa) Zorzitto
2020 Peter McCracken Physician Innovator in Education Award Sharon Marr
2020 Pfizer Continence Research Award
Christina Shaw

2019 Award Winners:

2019 Ronald Cape Distinguished Service Award Roger Wong
2019 Peter McCracken Physician Innovator in Education Award Barbara Power
2019 CFPC/CGS Award of Distinction in Health Care of the Elderly Vivian Ewa
 2019 Willard and Phoebe Thompson Award  Sarah Chan


2018 Ronald Cape Distinguished Service Award Christopher Frank
2018 Peter McCracken Physician Innovator in Education Award Laura Diachun & Martin Moran
2018 CFPC/CGS Award of Distinction in Health Care of the Elderly Henry Grant McKercher
2018 Pfizer Continence Research Award

Sameea Quereshi 

2018 CGS NGIG Leadership Award Bonnie Cheung

2017 Award Winners:

2017 Ronald Cape Distinguished Service Award Alexandra Papaioannou
2017 CFPC/CGS Award of Distinction in Health Care of the Elderly John Sloan
2017 CGS NGIG Leadership Award

Jasmin Mah

 2017 NGIG J. L Research Award  Annie Cheung

2016 Award Winners:

2016 CFPC/CGS Award of Distinction in Health Care of the Elderly Roger Butler
 2016 Peter McCracken Physician Innovator in Education Award Camilla Wong

2015 Award Winners:
2015 Dr. Jack MacDonell Award Amanda Gardhouse

2022 Ronald Cape Distinguished Service Award Winner

Dr. Janet E. McElhaney

Janet E. McElhaney, MD, September 29, 1954 – October 21, 2021

Dr. McElhaney’s career was built upon recognizing and empathizing with the devastating health effects of socially constructed inequities. She made it her mission to serve the most vulnerable in society. Dr. McElhaney held many academic appointments over her career including as Associate Professor at Eastern Virginia Medical School (1998-2003), Professor and Division Head of Geriatric Medicine at the University of British Columbia (2005-2011), and Professor at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine and the Scientific Director and Health Sciences North Volunteer Association Research Chair in Healthy Aging at HSNRI (2012-2021).  Her research focused on immunization-preventable diseases in older adults and her work advanced the knowledge of influenza outcomes in older adults, impact of frailty of immunity, and vaccine efficacy in shingles and influenza among older adults.  She amassed over 150 peer-reviewed publications and secured millions of dollars in grants. Even in her final months of her terminal illness, she was giving media interviews to combat COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy to empower older adults with the information to promote vaccine uptake. Dr. McElhaney also founded the care process, “48/5”, which is an interprofessional collaborative care process that starts within 48 hours of hospital admission and focuses on evidence informed decisions about five domains in older adults: cognition/delirium, appropriate medications, functional mobility, nutrition/hydration, and bowel/bladder.  In 2017, Dr. McElhaney was appointed to the CIHR Institute Advisory Board on Indigenous Peoples' Health. Her partnership with Indigenous elders was not just at a research and policy level, but also through geriatric medicine clinic outreach trips to remote Indigenous communities along the James Bay Coast where she mentored many health care providers, geriatricians, and care of the elderly physicians. Dr. McElhaney saw each older adult as a valued individual deserving of quality care.  Her legacy has also been recognized at NOSM with the Dr. Janet E. McElhaney Memorial Award, which will support medical students showing a willingness to confront the many challenges faced by older adults interacting with our health care system today.

2022 Peter McCracken Physician Innovator in Education Award Winner

Dr. Joanne Ho

Dr. Joanne Ho is an internist, geriatrician and clinical pharmacologist. She attended the University of British Columbia for her medical undergraduate degree and then completed residencies in internal medicine, geriatric medicine and clinical pharmacology at the University of Toronto. Her Masters of Science was completed at the Institute for Health Policy, Management and Evaluation during which time she participated in the Department of Medicine Eliot Phillipson Clinician Scientist Training Program at the University of Toronto. Dr. Ho completed a research fellowship with the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute through the University Of Toronto Division Of Geriatric Medicine. She is Vice-Chair for the examinations committee and  examiner with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada for Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology. Dr. Ho is head of service for geriatric medicine and an active medical staff member of Grand River Hospital and St. Mary’s General Hospital in Kitchener, ON where she provides inpatient geriatric medicine, internal medicine and clinical pharmacology consultation services. She is Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Divisions of Geriatric Medicine,  Clinical Pharmacology&Toxicology, and Education&Innovation at McMaster University and Schlegel Chair in Geriatric Pharmacotherapy. Dr. Ho is the founder of GeriMedRisk, and serves as Co-Executive Director and consultant geriatrician and clinical pharmacologist.


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