CGS Five Weekend Care of the Elderly Certificate Course Scholarship

Trainee Award


This new scholarship will fund tuition for one Canadian post-graduate trainee (enrolled at the time of application) in family medicine or internal medicine to attend the Five Weekend Care of the Elderly Certificate Course, taking place from January - June 2026 in Toronto, ON. This scholarship is aimed at trainees who want to be generalist clinicians and is an educational opportunity to strengthen expertise in clinical care to older adults. 

The scholarship winner will be presented at the CGS Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) during the closing remarks and awards ceremony. The winner may attend ASM as able, but funding to attend the ASM is not provided.


Nominations 2025 are closed.

Submit completed applications by e-mail to


Applicants must be Canadian post-graduate trainees (enrolled at the time of application) in Family Medicine or Internal Medicine, who would like to take the course to improve their skills/knowledge and become a geriatrics resource in the community.


 Applications must include: 

1. Personal letter of why they want to take the course.
2. Curriculum Vitae.
3. Letter of support/reference. 


The Awards Committee of CGS will evaluate each application based on the criteria stated below:

1. Demonstrated interest in the care of older adults
2. Qualifications
3. Feasibility and direction of future career goals to utilize the knowledge and skills gained from the course. 
4. Preference will be given to CGS associate members.

Submit completed applications by e-mail to

Bonnie Summerfeldt

A former print magazine art director who helps other savvy professionals get more credibility and confidence online with personal branding and Squarespace websites.

B. Lynn Beattie Clinical Leadership Award


CGS Annual Scientific Meeting Awards