Canadian geriatricS society SCHOLARSHIP Foundation
Thank You for Your Support!
The CGS is committed to improving the care of older adults and has decided through its Foundation to promote interest among Medical Students in the practice of Geriatrics. Your donation will help the CGS Foundation us achieve this. You’ll also be supporting a scientific journal dedicated to the discovery and advances of care in older adults free of any pharmaceutical input. As we are a registered charity, you will receive a tax receipt.
Recognizing Our Partners
Frank Molnar
Karen Freutel
A. Maria Chung
Barbara Liu
Christopher Patterson
Deviani Maher
Jenny Basran
Josefina Asa MacDonnell
Laura Diachun
Manuel Montero-Odasso
Michael Borrie
R. Ellen
Robert Lam
Alexandra Papaioannou
Barbara Liu
Camilla Wong
Christopher Frank
Cornelia Van Ineveld
Dr. KJ Ingram
Duncan Robertson
Heather Gilley
Jose Antonio Morais
Sheri-Lynn Kane
Andrew Baker
Andrew Hackett
Barbara Power
Barry Goldlist
Catherine Lowe
Christine Nesdoly
Christopher Brymer
Corinne Fischer
Daniella Campoli
Darryl Rolfson
David Hogan
Dr. Lane Rathgeber
Edward Przybysz
Elaine Lam
Elise Levinoff
Elizabeth MacDonald
Erika Dempsey
Eva Berman-Wong
Garcia Ameijeiras
Gary Altenkirk
Gary Naglie
Healther McLeod
Heidi Schmaltz
Itode Vivian Ewa
J. Kushnerkow
James Silvius
Jamila Kureshi
Jane Doran
Jayna Holroyd-Leduc
Jean A. Truscott
Jennie Wells
Jenny Basran
JoAnne Clarke
Joanne Pak
John & Mary Gourley
Josee Verdon
Karen Horsely
Kelly Marshall
Kenneth Rockwood
Kevin Young
Lara Rodrigues
Laura Zedde
Leila Tremblay
Liam Law
Linda Lee
Louisa Tong
Magda Lenartowicz
Maria Zorzitto
Marianne Lamarre
Marlene Smart
Mary Gorman
Mary Oconnor
Merry Merrick
Michael Leaker
Michelle Persaud
Mihaela Nicula
Misiaszek King
Mona Siu Nei Chiu
Oleg Veselskiy
Paul Finley
Paul Finley
Randall Sargent
Raza Naqvi
Rhonda Collins
Ruth Clark
Serge and Debbie
Shannon Rhynold
Shirley Chien-Chieh Huang
Shori Katyal
Sid Feldman
Siu Nei Chiu
Terumi Izukawa
Tricia Woo
Vera Peters
Virginia Meyer
Zahra Goodarzi