Start Your Own Local RGIG
Any resident or subspecialty resident can start an RGIG! We have RGIG’s across the country and are always looking to expand to connect trainees interested in Geriatrics.
RGIG’s are important communities for trainees interested in Geriatrics, open to trainees from a multitude of specialties, including Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Care of the Elderly, Geriatric Medicine, and Geriatric Psychiatry. RGIG’s are also a point of contact and support for local National Geriatric Interest Groups (NGIGs), which are led by medical students.
RGIG’s have access to funding from CGS (see below) as well as exclusive access to CGS and CGS RGIG events such as the mentorship program.
Starting or continuing an RGIG is easy! There is no formal registration process from CGS RGIG. You are required to identify a local faculty advisor. Your local institution may have specific requirements. If you are unsure if your institution has an RGIG or how to connect to one, see the website below for a local contact or contact the CGS VP Local RGIG.
Local RGIGs plan events and initiatives tailored to their membership base and the time commitment that is feasible to them. Examples of initiatives include: Skills Night with staff and learners, a written column on Geriatric topics of interest, “Phone a Friend” Program connecting medical students and socially isolated older adults, research fairs, staff panels, specialty match events, journal clubs, movie screening and more!
RGIGs also share and invite their members to initiatives held by the CGS Canadian RGIG, such as the Meet the PD series, Post-CaRMS match event and mentorship program. The Canadian RGIG brings together learners throughout Canada from various schools and programs with the goal to network and share our love for geriatric medicine.
Local RGIG’s are required to submit an end of year summary of their initiatives as well as expenses if applicable (see below).
CGS graciously provides funding for local RGIG events and activities. Funding applications are available quarterly throughout the year. Each local RGIG can apply up to twice per academic year, up to $1000 total. Applications are reviewed by the VP Finance and a CGS Education Committee representative.
RGIG’s are also required to submit an end of year summary of expenses by April of each year as a CRA requirement to ensure funding can be continued in subsequent years.