2020 ASM

The Canadian Geriatric Society 2020 Webinar Series
October 1, 7, 8, 15 & 22, 2020

The 2020 Scientific Planning Committee for the Canadian Geriatrics Society (CGS) worked incredibly hard to plan the 2020 ASM that was scheduled to take place in Calgary earlier this year. In order to bring our community together this year virtually, the CGS worked diligently with speakers to prepare a webinar series bundle for this fall based on the topics you told us you wanted to hear! We are incredibly excited to launch this first-ever CGS webinar series.

Topics included:

Top 10 Research Papers
Fragility Fracture Care in Older Adults
Optimal Management of Responsive Behaviours in Dementia
Challenges in Managing Chronic Pain
Cognitive Screening Tools: Which One When (and When Not)

This educational program is primarily designed for geriatricians, family physicians, allied health professionals and trainees who care for older adults and are interested in geriatric health care.

Top 10 Research Papers
Jacqueline McMillan, Adrian Wagg, William Gibson

Fragility Fracture Care in Older Adults
Jenny Thain, Alex Papaioannou, Angela Juby

Osteoporosis is a common condition where prevalence increases with age. Fragility hip fractures, which confer the poorest outcomes, predominantly affect older adults. There is strong evidence that involvement of geriatricians, as part of a multi-disciplinary team, can improve patient outcomes. Orthogeriatrics has been recognized internationally as one of the leading interventions associated with improved patient outcomes. To achieve this, geriatricians need to be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to affect change.

During this session, three clinicians with expertise in geriatric medicine and bone health will highlight pertinent points in the care of older patients with fragility fractures. This will include an overview of the principles of orthogeriatric care, reviewing the evidence of anti-resorptive therapy on fracture healing and a research update from the latest international scientific meetings on metabolic bone disease. The presentations will be followed by an opportunity for questions and answers with the expert panel.

This webinar will be oriented to a multidisciplinary audience and therefore be of interest to clinicians (e.g., geriatricians, nurses, allied health team members) and researchers in the area of osteoporosis, bone health, and care of the elderly.

Optimal Management of Responsive Behaviours in Dementia
Darren Burback, Heidi Schmaltz

This session will provide an approach to the management of reactive behaviours in dementia by reviewing the evidence for non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic management, excluding antipsychotics.

Challenges in Managing Chronic Pain
Lori Montgomery

Chronic pain is one of the most important comorbidities affecting quality of life as people age. At the same time, increasing polypharmacy often means that management of pain becomes more complex. This session will explore the role of medication in the management of pain in older adults, as well as evidence-based alternatives such as rehabilitation strategies and CBT.

Cognitive Screening Tools: Which One When (and When Not)
Mohammed Khusheim, Alison Howley, Taylor Wong, Paula Pearce

This session will explore a selection of the multitude of cognitive screening tools that are available, and will discuss some of the issues around their use. The use of virtual testing will also be discussed.

Bonnie Summerfeldt

A former print magazine art director who helps other savvy professionals get more credibility and confidence online with personal branding and Squarespace websites.


2021 ASM


2019 ASM