2025 Student and Trainee Travel Grants
The Canadian Geriatric Society (CGS) is proud to offer two valuable opportunities for learners interested in Geriatrics to attend the upcoming 2025 Annual Scientific Meeting. Applicants are welcome to apply for both travel grants, however, it is not guaranteed they will be awarded both.
CIHR/CGS Travel Grant Opportunity
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The Canadian Geriatrics Society (CGS) encourages networking and exchange of ideas among emerging scholars working within geriatrics. To meet these ends, this grant opportunity provides travel funds to attend the CGS Annual Scientific Meeting in Toronto, ON. Applications are open to undergraduate medical students, resident physicians in core internal medicine or general internal medicine residency programs, subspecialty resident physicians in Geriatric Medicine or Family Medicine Care of the Elderly programs, masters and doctoral students currently enrolled in postgraduate studies, and post-doctoral fellows who are currently in training
The maximum amount for a single award is $400.00 to offset costs of travel and accommodation. Sponsored trainees will be reimbursed for their expenses to a maximum of $400 after submitting original receipts and proof of travel to the CGS using the following guidelines.
Air: Awardees will be reimbursed for the most economical airfare available only. Air travel claims must include original boarding passes along with the e-ticket, or (if issued) the back coupon from a paper air ticket, when claim is submitted.
Train, buses and other transportation: Please provide original receipts and boarding passes.
Private vehicle: The mileage rate for travel by private automobile is $0.40 per km. The maximum reimbursement for vehicular travel may not exceed the comparable sum of air travel plus ground transportation costs.
Original receipts are required. The maximum reimbursement for hotel costs may not exceed the equivalent of the daily conference room rate. Awardees will not be reimbursed for meals or incidental expenses.
Application deadline: Applications are now closed.
Anticipated date of notification: by March 10, 2025
Submit completed applications by e-mail to cgs@secretariatcentral.com
This competition is open to undergraduate medical students, resident physicians in general internal medicine or core medical residency programs, subspecialty resident physicians in Geriatric Medicine or Family Medicine Care of the Elderly programs, masters and doctoral students currently enrolled in postgraduate studies, and post-doctoral fellows who are currently in training.
The applicant must be an active member of the Canadian Geriatrics Society.
1. A completed Travel Grant Application Form
2. A letter from the applicant describing how attending the CGS Conference will benefit your clinical and/or research career relating to geriatrics (maximum 400 words).
3. A copy of the applicant’s up to date curriculum vitae.
4. A letter of reference from a faculty member who can confirm the applicant’s status as a trainee AND describe the trainees’ level of interest in the field of geriatrics.
Please note: All documents should be submitted in English, or an English translation must be provided.
The Awards Committee of CGS will evaluate each application based on the criteria stated below:
1. Demonstrated academic excellence, including scholarly work such as research and education in geriatrics
2. Benefit of attending the conference to the applicant's research and /or clinical career in geriatrics
3. Merits of the applicant’s cover letter and letter of support.
4. The applicant will be participating in either a poster or oral presentation
Submit completed applications by e-mail to cgs@secretariatcentral.com
CGS Travel Grant Opportunity
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The Canadian Geriatrics Society is proud to offer the Travel Grant Award to support students and trainees who reside more than 100 km from the location of the Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM). With 20 grants of $500 each, this initiative aims to alleviate travel costs and foster participation in this important event. While presenting a poster or abstract is encouraged, it is not a requirement for acceptance. We believe that increasing access to the ASM will encourage attendance from Students and Trainees.
This competition is open to undergraduate medical students, resident physicians in general internal medicine or core medical residency programs, subspecialty resident physicians in Geriatric Medicine or Family Medicine Care of the Elderly programs, masters and doctoral students currently enrolled in postgraduate studies, and post-doctoral fellows who are currently in training.
The applicant must be an active member of the Canadian Geriatrics Society.
Application form can be found here.
The criteria are as follows:
• Must be a trainee/student member of CGS.
• Provide a CV, a Letter of Support, and a Personal Letter and a completed application form.
• NGIG/RGIG members of the CGS will receive priority.
• Presenting an Oral or Poster presentation will strengthen an application but is not required.
• Applicants must reside more than 100 kilometers away from the venue of the Annual Scientific Meeting.
These grants will be offered for the 2025 Annual Scientific Meeting. The board will determine each year whether CGS will offer funding for these travel grants.
Application deadline: Applications are now closed.
Anticipated date of notification: by March 10, 2025
Submit completed applications by e-mail to cgs@secretariatcentral.com