Learners’ Day
Thursday, May 29, 2025
New this year! Resident and Student Day have combined into one wonderful Learners’ Day! This one-day program was uniquely designed by Geriatric Medicine Residents, Medical Students and Program Directors in order to expose learners to a wide range of topics within geriatrics, and to complement teaching on Royal College examination topics. The day will include presentations from Canadian faculty experts, hands-on workshops, case-based discussions, Q&A panels, medical trivia, and more!
Registration for Learners’ Day (registration is for Residents and Medical Students Only)
In order to register and attend Learners’ Day, you must be a member of the CGS. If you are a member, you can register using the ASM registration above and add on Learners’ Day in the registration form. You must be logged in to your CGS membership account in order to access the correct registration category. Visit your membership profile to check your member status.
If you have NOT completed your membership application or are waiting for approval, please contact cgs@secretariatcentral.com.
Learners’ Day is a free add-on for members who have registered for and are attending the ASM.
Resident/Trainee Dinner
The Resident/Trainee Dinner will take place on Thursday, May 29, following the CGS ASM Welcome Reception. The dinner will feature an inspiring keynote speech from Dr. Jo-Anne Clarke, the first Geriatrician in Northeastern Ontario and Medical Director at the North East Specialized Geriatric Centre. This event provides an informal and exciting opportunity for residents and medical students considering careers in geriatric medicine to network with like-minded trainees and faculty. Further details regarding the Resident/Trainee Dinner are coming soon!
CGS Cancellation Policy – Resident Events
Non-Cancellation Will Cost You...
Did you know that as a CGS Resident member the CGS funds an annual day of training and a dinner? What an amazing benefit to being a member! However, did you also know that if you register for Learners’ Day and the Resident/Trainee Dinner and do not attend, your non-attendance costs the CGS approximately $300? That is $300 that could have been used to fund an award or travel for another CGS student or be put towards a CGS fellowship!
The CGS office is required to give guarantees to the venue at least four (4) business days prior to the beginning of any conference. Therefore, if you sign up to attend Learners’ Day or the Resident/Trainee Dinner and don’t give cancellation notice, you are included in the numbers for the day.
It is the fiduciary responsibility of the Board of Directors to ensure that the CGS’s money is spent wisely so we ask that if you registered for Learners’ Day and/or the Resident/Trainee Dinner and are not able to attend the events, please cancel within 5 business days by contacting registration@secretariatcentral.com.